Mt. Kaweah 2003

Little Five Lakes to Chagoopa Plateau

Sunday, August 24, 2003

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Awoke to puffy clouds in the sky.  They generally built all day but seem to be dissipating this evening.  Easiest day so far, about 7 miles—down into Big Arroyo and up Chagoopa Plateau.  We left the trail at a meadow with a creek, but the creek died halfway across the meadow.  We were hoping to follow it uphill.  Went east off-trail and found another creek at a small meadow.  This one also seems to start at the meadow.  But it’s good enough for our campsite.  The ground is kind of sloped but we’re making do.  This is our launching pad for our climb of Mt. Kaweah.  We’re around 10600 feet here, the summit is 13802 feet.  Supposed to be easy class 1.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate!




Lake north of campsite with Kaweahs

Deer grazing




Big Arroyo



Mt. Kaweah


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