Patagonia & Antarctica 2011

Wednesday:  Brown Bluff & Gourdin Island


Today was our first "continental landing."  We landed on the Antarctic Continent, at the very tip of the Antarctic Peninsula at a place called Brown Bluff.  There was an opportunity to take a short hike uphill for a nice view.  Later, we landed at Gourdin Island, also known as "penguin city."  This small island is estimated to have around 200,000 breeding pairs of penguins.  All three species of penguins were seen here.


Brown Bluff 

Brown Bluff, lots of penguins

Adèlie penguins (chick feeding), view from above, enjoying the view

lots of ice, gentoo penguin, fur seal


On shore at Brown Bluff

videos:  gentoo penguin, penguins jumping in for a swim



Gourdin Island

Snowy Sheathbills, Adèlie penguin feeding, lots and lots of penguins
Feeding of chicks consists of the chick chasing the parent in an apparent attempt to get the chick used to chasing food.  Then the parent regurgitates stored food into the chick's mouth.  Yum!

Fuzzy penguin chicks

Adèlie penguin, Weddell seal

videos:  two clips of feeding chicks, penguins returning from feeding in the sea


In the evening on ship, we observed some humpback whales swimming and diving.  Here is a video clip showing one of the tails as the whale goes for a deep dive.


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