Milestone Basin and Vidette Creek 2014

Kearsarge Lakes to Vidette Lakes

Saturday, August 16, 2014

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After joining the John Muir Trail (JMT) just beyond Bullfrog Lake and following it to Vidette Meadow, we left the trail there and crossed Bubbs Creek.  Despite the dry winter, Bubbs had a good volume of water, perhaps helped by the recent rains.  After crossing, we encountered one of the cabins of Shorty Lovelace, who ran trap lines through this area before Kings Canyon National Park was created in 1940.  We followed a use trail from here partway up the valley to Vidette Lakes.

Journal Entry:  Perfect weather continues!  Lots of folks camped at Kearsarge Lakes last night.  Started hiking around 9.  Easy trail downhill to Bubbs Creek.  Crossed the creek (shoes off) around noon.  Found Shorty’s cabin and started the uphill to Vidette Lakes.  Decent use trail most of the way to the first lake.  Found our own route after that.  Mostly easy, a bit of talus and slabs.  Got to the highest large lake 3:30 or so and found campsite.  Haven’t seen anyone in this valley.  Gusty winds continue but feels good!  Tomorrow’s goal is two passes to Lake South America.

Mount Brewer over Bullfrog Lake

East and West Vidette over Bullfrog Lake

East Vidette (we will head up the valley to its right
 and return via the valley to its left)

Bubbs Creek where we crossed (boots off!)

Shorty's cabin

inside Shorty's cabin

meadow below Vidette Lakes

one of the lower Vidette Lakes

looking back at lower Vidette Lakes

upper group of Vidette Lakes

campsite at one of the upper Vidette Lakes

Deerhorn Saddle looming above,
Deerhorn Mountain to its right


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